Bulletin of Faculty of Human Development,@Vol. 5(2):pp@@-@@ 1998.

Genetic analysis of reverse mutation at leucine locus in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
‚P Reverse mutation rates under different cultural conditions.


1) Division of Education of the Graduate School, Science Education, Kobe University

2) Division of Natural Environment and Biology, Faculty of Human Development, Kobe University


@@Reverse mutation rates were examined at leucine locus by using an auxotrophic mutant of S.cerevisiae that was requring uracil, lysine and leucine. The rates were calculated by two methods ; the first method was to calaulate from the proportion of similar and independent small-scale cultures having no revertants and the second was from the average number of revertants in similar and comparatively large-scale cultures.
@@The mutation rates at leucine locus in the small-scale cultures all fell into the region of 1`2~10-7. However, the rates in the large-scale cultures were drastically changed with the cultural conditions. Growth in minimal medium and starvation for leucine and lysine could induce reverse mutation at leucine locus with high frequencies of 5`10~10-2 but growth in complete medium did not. The discrepancy between the reverse mutation rates in the small- and large-scale cultures under different cultural conditions indicates that the reversion at leucine locus would involve, at least, two-step mutational events.


KEY WORDS: conditional reversion, leucine locus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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