This site has been closed by the end of March, 2012. Any information has not been updated.
ESD Symposium in KOBE: Applications from Overseas
Please e-mail to esd-kobe2009@port. including DATE(s) you would like to attend (7, 8, and/or 9 March, 2009), your FULL NAME, E-MAIL ADDRESS, POSTAL ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER and AFFILIATION. We will handle applications on a first-come and first-served basis, and send you back a confirmation as early as possible.*Enrollment Limit:
- 7 March (Sat): 50 people (Already FULL. Thank you!),
- 8 March (Sun): 400 people (Already FULL. Thank you!),
- 9 March (Mon) : 100 people (Already FULL. Thank you!)
Updated: 2009/02/19 (Thu) 14:34