Department of Human Expression, Faculty of Human Development, Kobe University
In our long history we as human beings, corresponding to the circumstances of the epoch have expressed ourselves in a variety of ways and made characteristic cultures. In particular, creative expression (music, art, design and dance etc.) is an extremely humanistic act, as well as being indispensable in human development and metamorphosis. In the Department of Human Expression, we search for the essence of these creative expressions though three aspects: culture, creation, and therapy-KANSEI.
- Key words:
- Expression Culture, Expression Creation, Art-human Interface
- Degree Programs offered:
- Expressive Culture
- Expression-Creation
- Clinical KANSEI-Expression
Main Features of the Degree Programs
Students that enter the Department of Human Expression will first take common base courses, and then learn various approaches to studying questions on human expression, or the various ways of thinking about human acts and cultures of expression. Students will select one degree program from among the three sophomore programs that we offer. This department offers unique and original courses encompassing a broad area related to human expression. These courses will help students in selecting the direction of their own research.
Nowadays, human communication is not limited by the physical body. Many new kinds of communication modes, for example mobile phones and e-mail, predict new possibilities for human development. However these new modes of communication may also bring about mental and physical illnesses. Our department tackles these difficult problems by way of, for example, "art therapy" and "KANSEI (= a kind of sensitivity) study". We are actively coping with education and research of the art-human interface.
Updated: 2008/04/15 (Tue) 18:41