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Course for Human & Community Development Support, Faculty of Human Development, Kobe University

The Course for Human Development Support is distinctive in that it is cross-departmental, and that you can be assigned here as long as you are interested in active research supporting human and community development. You can learn and study the following six topics, and eventually complete your graduation treatise by focusing on one of them; Health Promotion, Child and Family Support, Volunteerism Promotion, Gender Issues and Education, Inclusive Society, and Adult Education and Social Promotion. We expect you to do your own high-quality clinical and practical research based on various community activities.

Key words:
Lifelong Learning, Learning Support, Collaboration

Main Features of the Degree Programs

As a freshman you will belong to one of the four departments in the Faculty of Human Development, and you can enter this course from any department after finishing the two years requirement. You must take the introductory class "Studies on Human and Community Development Support" while you are a sophomore. Once you belong here, you are allowed to take almost any of the classes of the Faculty, without any restriction. Your mentors are willing to guide you in what classes are appropriate to take in consideration of your interests and the knowledge needed. You are supposed to become a professional mediator of the practical activities for human and community development by individuals, neighbors, schools, companies, NPOs, etc and apply the theories or disciplines through making use of the ample resources of the Faculty while acquiring the education, knowledge and skills that is currently suitable. You can also go on to a master course if you have the intention of continuing to do further learning and research.

Updated: 2008/04/15 (Tue) 18:42